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Smart Contract
Learn how to build a stablecoin on Aptos. This example will show you how to create a stablecoin with key management features.
Author: Kshitj

In this tutorial, we will build out a Move smart contract (module) from scratch with key stablecoin features such as Minting, Burning, and Transferring. All of the features will be implemented with key management and control features using the Fungible Asset Standard.

/// Example of a managed stablecoin with mint, burn, freeze and pause functionalities.
module stablecoin::usdk {
use aptos_framework::account;
use aptos_framework::dispatchable_fungible_asset;
use aptos_framework::event;
use aptos_framework::function_info;
use aptos_framework::fungible_asset::{Self, MintRef, TransferRef, BurnRef, Metadata, FungibleAsset, FungibleStore};
use aptos_framework::object::{Self, Object, ExtendRef};
use aptos_framework::primary_fungible_store;
use aptos_std::smart_table::{Self, SmartTable};
use std::option;
use std::signer;
use std::string::{Self, utf8};
use std::vector;
use aptos_framework::chain_id;
/// Caller is not authorized to make this call
const EUNAUTHORIZED: u64 = 1;
/// No operations are allowed when contract is paused
const EPAUSED: u64 = 2;
/// The account is already a minter
const EALREADY_MINTER: u64 = 3;
/// The account is not a minter
const ENOT_MINTER: u64 = 4;
/// The account is denylisted
const EBLACKLISTED: u64 = 5;
const ASSET_SYMBOL: vector<u8> = b"USDK";
#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct Roles has key {
master_minter: address,
minters: vector<address>,
pauser: address,
denylister: address,
#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct Management has key {
extend_ref: ExtendRef,
mint_ref: MintRef,
burn_ref: BurnRef,
transfer_ref: TransferRef,
#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct State has key {
paused: bool,
denylist: SmartTable<address, bool>,
struct Approval has drop {
owner: address,
nonce: u64,
chain_id: u8,
spender: address,
amount: u64,
struct Mint has drop, store {
minter: address,
to: address,
amount: u64,
struct Burn has drop, store {
minter: address,
from: address,
store: Object<FungibleStore>,
amount: u64,
struct Pause has drop, store {
pauser: address,
paused: bool,
struct Denylist has drop, store {
denylister: address,
account: address,
public fun usdk_address(): address {
object::create_object_address(&@stablecoin, ASSET_SYMBOL)
public fun metadata(): Object<Metadata> {
/// Called as part of deployment to initialize the stablecoin.
fun init_module(usdk_signer: &signer) {
let constructor_ref = &object::create_named_object(usdk_signer, ASSET_SYMBOL);
utf8(ASSET_SYMBOL), /* name */
utf8(ASSET_SYMBOL), /* symbol */
8, /* decimals */
utf8(b""), /* icon */
utf8(b""), /* project */
// All resources created will be kept in the asset metadata object.
let metadata_object_signer = &object::generate_signer(constructor_ref);
move_to(metadata_object_signer, Roles {
master_minter: @master_minter,
minters: vector[@minter],
pauser: @pauser,
denylister: @denylister,
// Create mint/burn/transfer refs to allow creator to manage the stablecoin.
move_to(metadata_object_signer, Management {
extend_ref: object::generate_extend_ref(constructor_ref),
mint_ref: fungible_asset::generate_mint_ref(constructor_ref),
burn_ref: fungible_asset::generate_burn_ref(constructor_ref),
transfer_ref: fungible_asset::generate_transfer_ref(constructor_ref),
move_to(metadata_object_signer, State {
paused: false,
denylist: smart_table::new(),
// Override the deposit and withdraw functions which mean overriding transfer.
// This ensures all transfer will call withdraw and deposit functions in this module and perform the necessary
// checks.
let deposit = function_info::new_function_info(
let withdraw = function_info::new_function_info(
/// Allow a spender to transfer tokens from the owner's account given their signed approval.
/// Caller needs to provide the from account's scheme and public key which can be gotten via the Aptos SDK.
public fun transfer_from(
spender: &signer,
proof: vector<u8>,
from: address,
from_account_scheme: u8,
from_public_key: vector<u8>,
to: address,
amount: u64,
) acquires Management, State {
let expected_message = Approval {
owner: from,
nonce: account::get_sequence_number(from),
chain_id: chain_id::get(),
spender: signer::address_of(spender),
account::verify_signed_message(from, from_account_scheme, from_public_key, proof, expected_message);
let transfer_ref = &borrow_global<Management>(usdk_address()).transfer_ref;
primary_fungible_store::transfer_with_ref(transfer_ref, from, to, amount);
/// Deposit function override to ensure that the account is not denylisted and the stablecoin is not paused.
public fun deposit<T: key>(
store: Object<T>,
fa: FungibleAsset,
transfer_ref: &TransferRef,
) acquires State {
fungible_asset::deposit_with_ref(transfer_ref, store, fa);
/// Withdraw function override to ensure that the account is not denylisted and the stablecoin is not paused.
public fun withdraw<T: key>(
store: Object<T>,
amount: u64,
transfer_ref: &TransferRef,
): FungibleAsset acquires State {
fungible_asset::withdraw_with_ref(transfer_ref, store, amount)
/// Mint new tokens to the specified account. This checks that the caller is a minter, the stablecoin is not paused,
/// and the account is not denylisted.
public entry fun mint(minter: &signer, to: address, amount: u64) acquires Management, Roles, State {
let management = borrow_global<Management>(usdk_address());
let tokens = fungible_asset::mint(&management.mint_ref, amount);
deposit(primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(to, metadata()), tokens, &management.transfer_ref);
event::emit(Mint {
minter: signer::address_of(minter),
/// Burn tokens from the specified account. This checks that the caller is a minter and the stablecoin is not paused.
public entry fun burn(minter: &signer, from: address, amount: u64) acquires Management, Roles, State {
burn_from(minter, primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(from, metadata()), amount);
/// Burn tokens from the specified account's store. This checks that the caller is a minter and the stablecoin is
/// not paused.
public entry fun burn_from(
minter: &signer,
store: Object<FungibleStore>,
amount: u64,
) acquires Management, Roles, State {
let management = borrow_global<Management>(usdk_address());
let tokens = fungible_asset::withdraw_with_ref(
fungible_asset::burn(&management.burn_ref, tokens);
event::emit(Burn {
minter: signer::address_of(minter),
from: object::owner(store),
/// Pause or unpause the stablecoin. This checks that the caller is the pauser.
public entry fun set_pause(pauser: &signer, paused: bool) acquires Roles, State {
let roles = borrow_global<Roles>(usdk_address());
assert!(signer::address_of(pauser) == roles.pauser, EUNAUTHORIZED);
let state = borrow_global_mut<State>(usdk_address());
state.paused = paused;
event::emit(Pause {
pauser: signer::address_of(pauser),
/// Add an account to the denylist. This checks that the caller is the denylister.
public entry fun denylist(denylister: &signer, account: address) acquires Management, Roles, State {
let roles = borrow_global<Roles>(usdk_address());
assert!(signer::address_of(denylister) == roles.denylister, EUNAUTHORIZED);
let state = borrow_global_mut<State>(usdk_address());
smart_table::upsert(&mut state.denylist, account, true);
let freeze_ref = &borrow_global<Management>(usdk_address()).transfer_ref;
primary_fungible_store::set_frozen_flag(freeze_ref, account, true);
event::emit(Denylist {
denylister: signer::address_of(denylister),
/// Remove an account from the denylist. This checks that the caller is the denylister.
public entry fun undenylist(denylister: &signer, account: address) acquires Management, Roles, State {
let roles = borrow_global<Roles>(usdk_address());
assert!(signer::address_of(denylister) == roles.denylister, EUNAUTHORIZED);
let state = borrow_global_mut<State>(usdk_address());
smart_table::remove(&mut state.denylist, account);
let freeze_ref = &borrow_global<Management>(usdk_address()).transfer_ref;
primary_fungible_store::set_frozen_flag(freeze_ref, account, false);
event::emit(Denylist {
denylister: signer::address_of(denylister),
/// Add a new minter. This checks that the caller is the master minter and the account is not already a minter.
public entry fun add_minter(admin: &signer, minter: address) acquires Roles {
let roles = borrow_global_mut<Roles>(usdk_address());
assert!(signer::address_of(admin) == roles.master_minter, EUNAUTHORIZED);
assert!(!vector::contains(&roles.minters, &minter), EALREADY_MINTER);
vector::push_back(&mut roles.minters, minter);
fun assert_is_minter(minter: &signer) acquires Roles {
let roles = borrow_global<Roles>(usdk_address());
let minter = signer::address_of(minter);
assert!(minter == roles.master_minter || vector::contains(&roles.minters, &minter), EUNAUTHORIZED);
fun assert_not_paused() acquires State {
let state = borrow_global<State>(usdk_address());
assert!(!state.paused, EPAUSED);
fun assert_not_denylisted(account: address) acquires State {
let state = borrow_global<State>(usdk_address());
assert!(!smart_table::contains(&state.denylist, account), EBLACKLISTED);
public fun init_for_test(usdk_signer: &signer) {