Dispatchable Fungible Assets

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Smart Contract
Learn how to inject custom logic during the withdraw/deposit of fungible assets. Specifically, impose a tax on the transfer of assets.
Author: Kshitj

Dispatchable Fungible Asset uses the concepts explained (in the recap section below) as building blocks to create new functionality. Namely, it allows developers to inject custom logic during fungible asset transfers, enabling use cases like adding assertions, taxes, time-based locks, automated interest distribution, and much more!

In this example, we will build out a Move smart contract (module) from scratch. In this module, we will impose a tax on every withdraw from a fungible store. All of the features will be implemented with key management and control features using the Fungible Asset Standard.

module deployer::taxed_fa {
use aptos_framework::object::{Self, Object, ExtendRef};
use aptos_framework::fungible_asset::{Self, MintRef, TransferRef, BurnRef, Metadata, FungibleAsset, FungibleStore };
use aptos_framework::primary_fungible_store;
use aptos_framework::dispatchable_fungible_asset;
use aptos_framework::function_info;
use std::signer;
use std::option;
use std::event;
use std::string::{Self, utf8};
use aptos_std::math64;
/* Errors */
/// The caller is unauthorized.
const EUNAUTHORIZED: u64 = 1;
/* Constants */
const ASSET_NAME: vector<u8> = b"Taxed Fungible Asset";
const ASSET_SYMBOL: vector<u8> = b"TFA";
const TAX_RATE: u64 = 10;
const SCALE_FACTOR: u64 = 100;
/* Resources */
#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct Management has key {
extend_ref: ExtendRef,
mint_ref: MintRef,
burn_ref: BurnRef,
transfer_ref: TransferRef,
/* Events */
struct Mint has drop, store {
minter: address,
to: address,
amount: u64,
struct Burn has drop, store {
minter: address,
from: address,
amount: u64,
/* View Functions */
public fun metadata_address(): address {
object::create_object_address(&@deployer, ASSET_SYMBOL)
public fun metadata(): Object<Metadata> {
public fun deployer_store(): Object<FungibleStore> {
primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(@deployer, metadata())
/* Initialization - Asset Creation, Register Dispatch Functions */
fun init_module(deployer: &signer) {
// Create the fungible asset metadata object.
let constructor_ref = &object::create_named_object(deployer, ASSET_SYMBOL);
// Generate a signer for the asset metadata object.
let metadata_object_signer = &object::generate_signer(constructor_ref);
// Generate asset management refs and move to the metadata object.
move_to(metadata_object_signer, Management {
extend_ref: object::generate_extend_ref(constructor_ref),
mint_ref: fungible_asset::generate_mint_ref(constructor_ref),
burn_ref: fungible_asset::generate_burn_ref(constructor_ref),
transfer_ref: fungible_asset::generate_transfer_ref(constructor_ref),
// Override the withdraw function.
// This ensures all transfer will call the withdraw function in this module and impose a tax.
let withdraw = function_info::new_function_info(
/* Dispatchable Hooks */
/// Withdraw function override to impose tax on operation.
public fun withdraw<T: key>(
store: Object<T>,
amount: u64,
transfer_ref: &TransferRef,
): FungibleAsset {
// Calculate a 10% tax on the amount.
let tax = math64::mul_div(amount, TAX_RATE, SCALE_FACTOR);
let remaining_amount = amount - tax;
// Withdraw the taxed amount from the input store and deposit it to the deployer's store.
let taxed_assets = fungible_asset::withdraw_with_ref(transfer_ref, store, tax);
fungible_asset::deposit_with_ref(transfer_ref, deployer_store(), taxed_assets);
// Withdraw the remaining amount from the input store and return it.
fungible_asset::withdraw_with_ref(transfer_ref, store, remaining_amount)
/* Minting and Burning */
/// Mint new assets to the specified account.
public entry fun mint(deployer: &signer, to: address, amount: u64) acquires Management {
let management = borrow_global<Management>(metadata_address());
let assets = fungible_asset::mint(&management.mint_ref, amount);
fungible_asset::deposit_with_ref(&management.transfer_ref, primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(to, metadata()), assets);
event::emit(Mint {
minter: signer::address_of(deployer),
/// Burn assets from the specified account.
public entry fun burn(deployer: &signer, from: address, amount: u64) acquires Management {
// Withdraw the assets from the account and burn them.
let management = borrow_global<Management>(metadata_address());
let assets = withdraw(primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(from, metadata()), amount, &management.transfer_ref);
fungible_asset::burn(&management.burn_ref, assets);
event::emit(Burn {
minter: signer::address_of(deployer),
/* Transfer */
/// Transfer assets from one account to another.
public entry fun transfer(from: &signer, to: address, amount: u64) acquires Management {
// Withdraw the assets from the sender's store and deposit them to the recipient's store.
let management = borrow_global<Management>(metadata_address());
let from_store = primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(signer::address_of(from), metadata());
let to_store = primary_fungible_store::ensure_primary_store_exists(to, metadata());
let assets = withdraw(from_store, amount, &management.transfer_ref);
fungible_asset::deposit_with_ref(&management.transfer_ref, to_store, assets);
public fun init_for_test(deployer: &signer) {