Managing Contract Upgrades

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Smart Contract
A package management system example for the Aptos blockchain, enabling controlled deployment.
Author: Kevin

This example outlines a module designed for managing and controlling resource accounts in a blockchain environment, specifically within the Aptos ecosystem.

The primary function of this module is to facilitate the publishing of resources or modules to a resource account, while retaining the ability to control the account's signer.

This is particularly useful for tasks such as upgrading software or creating NFT collections, as it allows the original deployer to maintain oversight and control over the deployed content.

/// This module allows publishing to a resource account and retaining control its signer for future upgrades or
/// for other purposes such as creating an NFT collection. It also offer features around managing object and resource
/// account addresses so those can be easily accessed in other modules.
/// The deployment flow is as follows:
/// 1. Deploy the package, including this package_manager module, using the Aptos CLI command create-resource-and-publish-package
/// with an appropriate seed. This will create a resource account and deploy the module. The deployer address also needs
/// to be specified in Move.toml.
/// 2. Make sure the created resource address is persisted in the Move.toml for future deployments and upgrades as the
/// CLI doesn't do so by default.
/// 3. During deployment, package_manager::init_module will be called and extract the SignerCapability from the newly
/// created resource account.
/// 4. All other modules from the same package that are friends can call package_manager to obtain the resource account
/// signer when needed. If cross-package access is needed, authorization can be granted via an address-based whitelist
/// instead of friendship, which is limited to the same package.
/// 5. If new modules need to be deployed or existing modules in this package need to be updated, an assigned admin
/// account (defaults to the deployer account) can call package_manager::publish_package to with the new code.
/// Other modules can store and obtain stored addreses by calling add_address or get_address. This is useful for
/// storing addresses of other modules in the same package or system addresses such as the NFT collection.
module package::package_manager {
use aptos_framework::account::{Self, SignerCapability};
use aptos_framework::resource_account;
use aptos_std::smart_table::{Self, SmartTable};
use std::string::String;
/// Stores permission config such as SignerCapability for controlling the resource account.
struct PermissionConfig has key {
/// Required to obtain the resource account signer.
signer_cap: SignerCapability,
/// Track the addresses created by the modules in this package.
addresses: SmartTable<String, address>,
/// Initialize PermissionConfig to establish control over the resource account.
/// This function is invoked only when this package is deployed the first time.
fun init_module(package_signer: &signer) {
let signer_cap = resource_account::retrieve_resource_account_cap(package_signer, @deployer);
move_to(package_signer, PermissionConfig {
addresses: smart_table::new<String, address>(),
/// Can be called by friended modules to obtain the resource account signer.
public(friend) fun get_signer(): signer acquires PermissionConfig {
let signer_cap = &borrow_global<PermissionConfig>(@package).signer_cap;
/// Can be called by friended modules to keep track of a system address.
public(friend) fun add_address(name: String, object: address) acquires PermissionConfig {
let addresses = &mut borrow_global_mut<PermissionConfig>(@package).addresses;
smart_table::add(addresses, name, object);
public fun address_exists(name: String): bool acquires PermissionConfig {
smart_table::contains(&safe_permission_config().addresses, name)
public fun get_address(name: String): address acquires PermissionConfig {
let addresses = &borrow_global<PermissionConfig>(@package).addresses;
*smart_table::borrow(addresses, name)
inline fun safe_permission_config(): &PermissionConfig acquires PermissionConfig {
public fun initialize_for_test(deployer: &signer) {
let deployer_addr = std::signer::address_of(deployer);
if (!exists<PermissionConfig>(deployer_addr)) {
move_to(deployer, PermissionConfig {
addresses: smart_table::new<String, address>(),
signer_cap: account::create_test_signer_cap(deployer_addr),
friend package::package_manager_tests;