Vesting Token

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Smart Contract
An example for staked locked APT, where a sponsor can create locks of staked APTs for recipients.

This code describes a framework for managing staked locked tokens using the Amnis liquid staking protocol. Sponsors can set up locked tokens for recipients, specifying the amount and lock expiration. These APTs are automatically staked as liquid staking tokens, remaining locked until the specified date. Sponsors have the ability to adjust or revoke locks, offering flexibility in managing the terms. Recipients can claim staking rewards anytime and access the original staked amount upon lock expiration. The system supports secure and adjustable staking arrangements, allowing for the efficient management of locked funds and rewards within the Amnis ecosystem.

This code uses the Amnis protocol for liquid staking. More information at

* This provides an example for staked locked tokens where a sponsor can create locks of staked tokens for recipients.
* This code uses the Amnis protocol for liquid staking. More information at
* Recipients can claim staking rewards (as liquid staking tokens) at any time but can only claim the original locked amount as stAPT
* after the specified lock expiration.
* Locked coins flow:
* 1. Deploy the lockup contract. Deployer can decide if the contract is upgradable or not.
* Follow the instructions in for deploying.
* 2. Sponsor accounts (sponsors) call initialize_sponsor to set up their account for creating locks later.
* 3. Sponsors add locked tokens with create_lock for custom expiration time + amount for recipients.
* Each lockup is called a "lock". This automatically stakes tokens with the Amnis Protocol and return the staked liquid staking tokens to
* stay in the lock.
* 4. Sponsors can revoke a lock or change lockup (reduce or extend) anytime. This gives flexibility in case of
* contract violation or special circumstances. If this is not desired, the deployer can remove these functionalities
* before deploying. If a lock is canceled, the locked liquid staking tokens will be sent back to the withdrawal address. This
* withdrawal address is set when initializing the sponsor account and can only be changed when there are no active or
* unclaimed locks.
* 5. Sponsors can decide to relock the stAPT with create_locked_with_stapt.
* 6. Recipients can withdraw staking rewards when there are some at any time by calling claim_rewards.
* 7. Once the lockup has expired, the recipient can call claim to get the unlocked stAPT. They can then either keep
* them or redeem with the Amnis protocol (
module locked_apt::locked_apt {
use amnis::router;
use amnis::stapt_token::{Self, StakedApt};
use aptos_framework::aptos_account;
use aptos_framework::aptos_coin::AptosCoin;
use aptos_framework::coin::{Self, Coin};
use aptos_framework::event;
use aptos_framework::timestamp;
use aptos_std::math64;
use aptos_std::smart_table::{Self, SmartTable};
use std::signer;
use std::vector;
/// No locked coins found to claim.
const ELOCK_NOT_FOUND: u64 = 1;
/// Lockup has not expired yet.
/// Can only create one active lock per recipient at once.
const ELOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS: u64 = 3;
/// Sponsor account has not been set up to create locks for the specified CoinType yet.
/// Cannot update the withdrawal address because there are still active/unclaimed locks.
const EACTIVE_LOCKS_EXIST: u64 = 5;
/// Cannot create a lock with an unlock time in the past.
const ELOCKUP_EXPIRED: u64 = 6;
/// Represents a lock of staked APT until some specified unlock time. Afterward, the recipient can claim the coins.
struct Lock has store {
coins: Coin<StakedApt>,
// Track the principal to allow recipients to claim the rewards at any time.
principal: u64,
unlock_time_secs: u64,
/// Holder for a map from recipients => locks.
/// There can be at most one lock per recipient.
struct Locks has key {
// Map from recipient address => locked coins.
locks: SmartTable<address, Lock>,
// Predefined withdrawal address. This cannot be changed if there's any active lock.
withdrawal_address: address,
// Number of locks that have not yet been claimed.
total_locks: u64,
/// Event emitted when a lock is created.
struct CreateLockEvent has drop, store {
sponsor: address,
recipient: address,
amount: u64,
amount_stapt: u64,
unlock_time_secs: u64,
/// Event emitted when a lock is canceled.
struct CancelLockupEvent has drop, store {
recipient: address,
amount: u64,
amount_stapt: u64,
/// Event emitted when a recipient claims rewards.
struct ClaimRewardsEvent has drop, store {
recipient: address,
amount: u64,
amount_stapt: u64,
/// Event emitted when a recipient claims unlocked stAPT.
struct ClaimEvent has drop, store {
recipient: address,
amount: u64,
amount_stapt: u64,
claimed_time_secs: u64,
/// Event emitted when lockup is updated for an existing lock.
struct UpdateLockupEvent has drop, store {
recipient: address,
old_unlock_time_secs: u64,
new_unlock_time_secs: u64,
/// Event emitted when withdrawal address is updated.
struct UpdateWithdrawalAddressEvent has drop, store {
old_withdrawal_address: address,
new_withdrawal_address: address,
/// Return the total number of locks created by the sponsor for the given CoinType.
public fun total_locks(sponsor: address): u64 acquires Locks {
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let locks = borrow_global<Locks>(sponsor);
/// Return the number of coins a sponsor has locked up for the given recipient.
/// This throws an error if there are no locked APT setup for the given recipient.
public fun locked_amount_stapt(sponsor: address, recipient: address): u64 acquires Locks {
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let locks = borrow_global<Locks>(sponsor);
assert!(smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient), ELOCK_NOT_FOUND);
coin::value(&smart_table::borrow(&locks.locks, recipient).coins)
public fun locked_amount_apt(sponsor: address, recipient: address): u64 acquires Locks {
let stapt_amount = locked_amount_stapt(sponsor, recipient);
/// Return the timestamp (in seconds) when the given recipient can claim coins locked up for them by the sponsor.
/// This throws an error if there are no locked coins setup for the given recipient.
public fun claim_time_secs(sponsor: address, recipient: address): u64 acquires Locks {
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let locks = borrow_global<Locks>(sponsor);
assert!(smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient), ELOCK_NOT_FOUND);
smart_table::borrow(&locks.locks, recipient).unlock_time_secs
public fun is_sponsor(sponsor: address): bool {
/// Return the withdrawal address for a sponsor's locks (where canceled locks' funds are sent to).
public fun withdrawal_address(sponsor: address): address acquires Locks {
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let locks = borrow_global<Locks>(sponsor);
public fun claimable_reward(sponsor: address, recipient: address): u64 acquires Locks {
let lock = get_lock(sponsor, recipient);
let current_value = math64::mul_div(
let accumulated_rewards = current_value - lock.principal;
/// Initialize the sponsor account to allow creating locks.
public entry fun initialize_sponsor(sponsor: &signer, withdrawal_address: address) {
move_to(sponsor, Locks {
locks: smart_table::new(),
total_locks: 0,
/// Update the withdrawal address. This is only allowed if there are currently no active locks.
public entry fun update_withdrawal_address(
sponsor: &signer, new_withdrawal_address: address) acquires Locks {
let sponsor_address = signer::address_of(sponsor);
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor_address), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
let locks = borrow_global_mut<Locks>(sponsor_address);
assert!(locks.total_locks == 0, EACTIVE_LOCKS_EXIST);
let old_withdrawal_address = locks.withdrawal_address;
locks.withdrawal_address = new_withdrawal_address;
event::emit(UpdateWithdrawalAddressEvent {
/// Batch version of add_locked_coins to process multiple recipients and corresponding amounts.
public entry fun batch_create_lock(
sponsor: &signer, recipients: vector<address>, amounts: vector<u64>, unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
vector::zip(recipients, amounts, |recipient, amount| {
create_lock(sponsor, recipient, amount, unlock_time_secs);
/// `Sponsor` can add locked APT for `recipient` with given unlock timestamp (in seconds).
/// There's no restriction on unlock timestamp so sponsors could technically add APT for an unlocked time in the
/// past, which means the coins are immediately unlocked.
/// APT added is automatically staked and the returned stAPT is locked.
public entry fun create_lock(
sponsor: &signer, recipient: address, amount: u64, unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
let apt = coin::withdraw<AptosCoin>(sponsor, amount);
let stapt = router::deposit_and_stake(apt);
public entry fun batch_create_lock_with_stapt(
sponsor: &signer, recipients: vector<address>, amounts: vector<u64>, unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
vector::zip(recipients, amounts, |recipient, amount| {
create_lock_with_stapt(sponsor, recipient, amount, unlock_time_secs);
public entry fun create_lock_with_stapt(
sponsor: &signer, recipient: address, amount: u64, unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
let stapt = coin::withdraw<StakedApt>(sponsor, amount);
/// Recipient can claim staking rewards generated as stAPT.
public entry fun claim_rewards(recipient: &signer, sponsor: address) acquires Locks {
let recipient_address = signer::address_of(recipient);
let lock = get_lock(sponsor, recipient_address);
let current_value = math64::mul_div(
let accumulated_rewards = current_value - lock.principal;
let amount_to_redeem = math64::mul_div(
let stapt_to_redeem = coin::extract(&mut lock.coins, amount_to_redeem);
aptos_account::deposit_coins(recipient_address, stapt_to_redeem);
event::emit(ClaimRewardsEvent {
recipient: recipient_address,
amount: accumulated_rewards,
amount_stapt: amount_to_redeem,
/// Recipient can claim stAPT that are fully unlocked (unlock time has passed).
public entry fun claim(recipient: &signer, sponsor: address) acquires Locks {
let locks = get_locks(sponsor);
let recipient_address = signer::address_of(recipient);
assert!(smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient_address), ELOCK_NOT_FOUND);
// Delete the lock entry both to keep records clean and keep storage usage minimal.
// This would be reverted if validations fail later (transaction atomicity).
let Lock {
principal: _,
} = smart_table::remove(&mut locks.locks, recipient_address);
locks.total_locks = locks.total_locks - 1;
let now_secs = timestamp::now_seconds();
assert!(now_secs >= unlock_time_secs, ELOCKUP_HAS_NOT_EXPIRED);
let amount_stapt = coin::value(&coins);
let amount = math64::mul_div(
aptos_account::deposit_coins(recipient_address, coins);
event::emit(ClaimEvent {
recipient: recipient_address,
claimed_time_secs: now_secs,
/// Batch version of update_lockup.
public entry fun batch_update_lockup(
sponsor: &signer, recipients: vector<address>, new_unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
vector::for_each_ref(&recipients, |recipient| {
update_lockup(sponsor, *recipient, new_unlock_time_secs);
/// Sponsor can update the lockup of an existing lock.
public entry fun update_lockup(
sponsor: &signer, recipient: address, new_unlock_time_secs: u64) acquires Locks {
let lock = get_lock(signer::address_of(sponsor), recipient);
let old_unlock_time_secs = lock.unlock_time_secs;
lock.unlock_time_secs = new_unlock_time_secs;
event::emit(UpdateLockupEvent {
/// Batch version of cancel_lockup to cancel the lockup for multiple recipients.
public entry fun batch_cancel_lockup(sponsor: &signer, recipients: vector<address>) acquires Locks {
vector::for_each_ref(&recipients, |recipient| {
cancel_lockup(sponsor, *recipient);
/// Sponsor can cancel an existing lock.
public entry fun cancel_lockup(sponsor: &signer, recipient: address) acquires Locks {
let locks = get_locks(signer::address_of(sponsor));
assert!(smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient), ELOCK_NOT_FOUND);
// Remove the lock and deposit coins backed into the sponsor account.
let Lock {
principal: _,
unlock_time_secs: _,
} = smart_table::remove(&mut locks.locks, recipient);
locks.total_locks = locks.total_locks - 1;
let amount_stapt = coin::value(&coins);
let amount = math64::mul_div(
aptos_account::deposit_coins(locks.withdrawal_address, coins);
event::emit(CancelLockupEvent {
inline fun get_lock(sponsor: address, recipient: address): &mut Lock {
let locks = get_locks(sponsor);
assert!(smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient), ELOCK_NOT_FOUND);
smart_table::borrow_mut(&mut locks.locks, recipient)
inline fun get_locks(sponsor: address): &mut Locks {
assert!(exists<Locks>(sponsor), ESPONSOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_INITIALIZED);
fun create_lock_internal(
sponsor: address,
locks: &mut Locks,
staked_apt: Coin<StakedApt>,
recipient: address,
unlock_time_secs: u64
) {
assert!(!smart_table::contains(&locks.locks, recipient), ELOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS);
let amount_stapt = coin::value(&staked_apt);
let principal =
math64::mul_div(amount_stapt, stapt_token::stapt_price(), stapt_token::precision_u64());
smart_table::add(&mut locks.locks, recipient, Lock {
coins: staked_apt,
locks.total_locks = locks.total_locks + 1;
event::emit(CreateLockEvent {
amount: principal,