Configure your OpenID Integration

Supported Identity Providers

Currently only Google is supported. We will support additional OIDC providers in the future (e.g., Apple, Kakaotalk, Microsoft, etc.).

The implicit flow (no authorization code exchange) is the preferred method of authentication. The integration steps below assume the use of implicit flow.


To support OpenID authentication, you will need a client_id from Google and to setup authorized origins and redirect URIs.

  1. Setup your project in the Google API Console.
    • Register for a Google Cloud account (if you don’t have one yet)
    • Create a new project or select an existing one
  2. Go to the Credentials page.
  3. You may have to setup an OAuth consent screen if you haven't before.
    • This is where you'll configure some App information and the scopes and permissions for your application.
  4. Select or create a new "OAuth 2.0 Client ID".
  5. Configure authorized origin (your dApp origin).
    • This may be http://localhost:3000 for local development.
    • Make sure to update these origins after you deploy your application.
  6. Configure redirect URIs (the handler for the callback after authentication, which will receive the authorization code and/or id_token).
    • Ex: http://localhost:3000/callback for local development.
  7. Obtain the client_id of your application.
    • Save this in your .env variables or constants file.