Setup Login Button

Setting up the OAuth flow

  1. Remove all mentions of @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react and insert the code logic below within the WalletButtons component.
    • You can also remove WalletProvider from the root layout.
  2. Prepare the URL params of the login URL.
    • Set the redirect_uri and client_id to your configured values with the IdP.
    • Set the nonce to the nonce of the EphemeralKeyPair from the previous step.
  3. Construct the login URL for the user to authenticate with the IdP.
    • Make sure the openid scope is set. Other scopes such as email and profile can be set based on your app’s needs.

    const redirectUrl = new URL("");
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
    * Replace with your own client ID
    client_id: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
    * The redirect_uri must be registered in the Google Developer Console. This callback page
    * parses the id_token from the URL fragment and combines it with the ephemeral key pair to
    * derive the keyless account.
    * window.location.origin == http://localhost:3000
    redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}/callback`,
    * This uses the OpenID Connect implicit flow to return an id_token. This is recommended
    * for SPAs (single-page applications) as it does not require a backend server.
    response_type: "id_token",
    scope: "openid email profile",
    nonce: ephemeralKeyPair.nonce,
    }); = searchParams.toString();

  4. When the user clicks the login button, redirect the user to the redirectUrl that you just created.

    <a href={redirectUrl.toString()}>
    <button>Sign in with Google</button>