Contract Structure

In the Aptos protocol, a Move module is a smart contract. A basic move contract is composed of the following:

module aptogotchi::main {
use std::vector;
use std::string;
struct AptoGotchi has key {
fun init_module(account: &signer) {
public entry fun create_aptogotchi() {
public fun get_name(user_addr: address): String acquires AptoGotchi, CollectionCapability {
public entry fun set_name(user_addr: address, name: String) acquires AptoGotchi, CollectionCapability {

1. Imports

Import any libraries used in the smart contract.

use std::vector;
use std::string;

2. Struct definitions

Define any custom data types. Structs are the way to create custom types in a Move contract. All Structs are private and can only be accessed from the module itself.

struct AptoGotchi has key { }

3. Init module function

The init function will be executed once, when the contract is deployed.

fun init_module(account: &signer) { }

4. Token creation function

Creates the digital asset instance.

public entry fun create_aptogotchi() { }

5. Read and Write functions (getters & setters)

All structs are private. Create getter/setter functions to access & modify the structs.

// Read: view functions
public fun get_name(user_addr: address): String acquires AptoGotchi, CollectionCapability {
// Write: entry functions
public entry fun set_name(user_addr: address, name: String) acquires AptoGotchi, CollectionCapability {

More Resources

See list of Move types here.
